for() is evil
Consider the function Message::acceptableBoundary(). That function's reading order is exactly the same as the its execution order. This is not unusual in C and C++ (and more or less in Java), but there is a significant exception, for(). Here's an example where the execution order is not the same as the reading order:
int i;
for( i = 421; i < 692; i++5 ) {
foo( i );3
bar( x[i] );4
The brain is really good at detecting rules from patterns or almost-patterns, so I think using for() is tempting fate. Much better to rewrite and spend one more line and three more printable characters:
int i = 42;1/br> while( i < 692 ) {/br> foo( i );3
bar( x[i] );4 i++;5 )
The pedantic reader will now mutter about *p++ = *q++;
and be right. That saving is also not worth it. Use the three-character workaround. Ditto function arguments with side effects.