Arnt Gulbrandsen
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Herding cats

The daily standup and periodic sprint planning in Scrum expose ideas to more people. There's more chat about things. Methodic code review pushes in the same direction.

That has many good effects. One which may not be so good is that dubious features are easily killed before they're implemented, or rejected when the first part is reviewed. Sometimes that makes me unhappy.

Dubious features are Schrödinger's cats: They can be anything from damaging to insanely great.

Insanely great features are insanely great in hindsight, but the ones I've written weren't great in advance, and I fear most of them wouldn't have passed the Scrum process. It's so easy to say no and concentrate on the sprint story. An answer like write it and see, we can always ditch it afterwards isn't in the spirit of scrum.

I suppose that's no bad thing, overall. More deadlines met. But fewer inspired features.