Various neat signs and glyphs
Another browser test (I'm looking at you, android). These signs are mostly ones I've used in 2008-9 (with some added for symmetry etc.), and I do not think they are too odd to be worth rendering.
☐ | Feature not supported (U+2610) |
☑ | Feature supported! (U+2611) |
☒ | Feature supported! (U+2612) |
✓ | Check mark (U+2713) |
✔ | Heavy check mark (U+2714) |
✕ | Multiplication x (U+2715) |
✖ | Heavy multiplication x (U+2716) |
✗ | Ballot x (U+2717) |
✘ | Heavy ballot x (U+2718) |
☏ | Telephone (U+260f) |
☎ | Telephone (U+260e) |
☮ | Peace (U+262e) |
Arrows and that kind of thing:
← | Leftwards arrow (U+2190) |
↑ | Upwards arrow (U+2191) |
→ | Rightwards arrow (U+2192) |
↓ | Downwards arrow (U+2193) |
↔ | Left right arrow (U+2194) |
▲ | Black up-pointing triangle (U+25B2) |
△ | White up-pointing triangle (U+25B3) |
▴ | Black up-pointing small triangle (U+25B4) |
▵ | White up-pointing small triangle (U+25B5) |
▶ | Black right-pointing triangle (U+25B6) |
▷ | White right-pointing triangle (U+25B7) |
▸ | Black right-pointing small triangle (U+25B8) |
▹ | White right-pointing small triangle (U+25B9) |
► | Black right-pointing pointer (U+25BA) |
▻ | White right-pointing pointer (U+25BB) |
▼ | Black down-pointing triangle (U+25BC) |
▽ | White down-pointing triangle (U+25BD) |
▾ | Black down-pointing small triangle (U+25BE) |
▿ | White down-pointing small triangle (U+25BF) |
◀ | Black left-pointing triangle (U+25C0) |
◁ | White left-pointing triangle (U+25C1) |
◂ | Black left-pointing small triangle (U+25C2) |
◃ | White left-pointing small triangle (U+25C3) |
◄ | Black left-pointing pointer (U+25C4) |
◅ | White left-pointing pointer (U+25C5) |
Random commonish math:
∀ | For all (U+2200) |
∃ | There exists (U+2203) |
∄ | There does not exist (U+2204) |
∈ | Element of (U+2208) |
∉ | Not an element of (U+2209) |
∓ | Plus/minus (U+2213) |
∞ | Infinity (U+221e) |
∧ | And (U+2227) |
∨ | Or (U+2228) |
∩ | Intersection (U+2229) |
∪ | Union (U+222a) |
≃ | Asymptotic equality (U+2243) |
≅ | Approximate equality (U+2245) |
≠ | Not equal to (U+2260) |
≡ | Identical to (U+2261) |
≤ | Less than or equal to (U+2264) |
≥ | Greater than or equal to (U+2265) |
’ | Apostrophe (U+2019) |
‐ | Hyphen (U+2010) |
‒ | Minus (U+2012) |
– | En dash (U+2013) |
— | Em dash (U+2014) |
― | Horizontal bar (U+2015) |
… | Ellipsis (U+2026) |
‘ | Single opening quote (U+216;) |
’ | Single closing quote (U+217;) |
“ | Double opening quote (U+220;) |
” | Double closing quote (U+221;) |
« | Left-pointing double angle quotation mark (U+00ab) |
» | Right-pointing double angle quotation mark (U+00bb) |
¡ | Inverted exclamation mark (U+00a1) |
¿ | Inverted question mark (U+00bf) |
ASCII graphics (except that it's not ASCII):
░ | Light shade (U+2591) |
▒ | Medium shade (U+2592) |
▓ | Dark shade (U+2593) |
│ | Box drawings light vertical (U+2502) |
┤ | Box drawings light vertical and left (U+2524) |
╡ | Box drawings vertical single and left double (U+2561) |
╢ | Box drawings vertical double and left single (U+2562) |
╖ | Box drawings down double and left single (U+2556) |
╕ | Box drawings down single and left double (U+2555) |
╣ | Box drawings double vertical and left (U+2563) |
║ | Box drawings double vertical (U+2551) |
╗ | Box drawings double down and left (U+2557) |
╝ | Box drawings double up and left (U+255d) |
╜ | Box drawings up double and left single (U+255c) |
╛ | Box drawings up single and left double (U+255b) |
┐ | Box drawings light down and left (U+2510) |
└ | Box drawings light up and right (U+2514) |
┴ | Box drawings light up and horizontal (U+2534) |
┬ | Box drawings light down and horizontal (U+252c) |
├ | Box drawings light vertical and right (U+251c) |
─ | Box drawings light horizontal (U+2500) |
┼ | Box drawings light vertical and horizontal (U+253c) |
╞ | Box drawings vertical single and right double (U+255e) |
╟ | Box drawings vertical double and right single (U+255f) |
╚ | Box drawings double up and right (U+255a) |
╔ | Box drawings double down and right (U+2554) |
╩ | Box drawings double up and horizontal (U+2569) |
╦ | Box drawings double down and horizontal (U+2566) |
╠ | Box drawings double vertical and right (U+2560) |
═ | Box drawings double horizontal (U+2550) |
╬ | Box drawings double vertical and horizontal (U+256c) |
╧ | Box drawings up single and horizontal double (U+2567) |
╨ | Box drawings up double and horizontal single (U+2568) |
╤ | Box drawings down single and horizontal double (U+2564) |
╥ | Box drawings down double and horizontal single (U+2565) |
╙ | Box drawings up double and right single (U+2559) |
╘ | Box drawings up single and right double (U+2558) |
╒ | Box drawings down single and right double (U+2552) |
╓ | Box drawings down double and right single (U+2553) |
╫ | Box drawings vertical double and horizontal single (U+256b) |
╪ | Box drawings vertical single and horizontal double (U+256a) |
┘ | Box drawings light up and left (U+2518) |
┌ | Box drawings light down and right (U+250c) |
█ | Full block (U+2588) |
▄ | Lower half block (U+2584) |
▌ | Left half block (U+258c) |
▐ | Right half block (U+2590) |
▀ | Upper half block (U+2580) |
Miscellaneous randomness:
¼ | One quarter (U+00bc) |
½ | One half (U+00bd) |
¾ | Three quarters (U+00be) |
⅓ | One third (U+2153) |
⅔ | Two thirds (U+2154) |
⅕ | One fifth (U+2155) |
⅖ | Two fifths (U+2156) |
⅗ | Three fifths (U+2157) |
⅘ | Four fifths (U+2158) |
⅙ | One sixth (U+2159) |
⅚ | Five sixths (U+215A) |
⅛ | One eighth (U+215B) |
⅜ | Three eighths (U+215C) |
⅝ | Five eighths (U+215D) |
⅞ | Seven eights (U+215E) |
◆ | Black diamond (U+25C6) |
◇ | White diamond (U+25C7) |
◉ | Fisheye (U+25C9) |
Basic Greek (alpha to omega):
α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο π ρ ς σ τ υ φ χ ψ ω
(and large):